Online Marketing Strategies that Require No Money

This article highlights more organic Online Marketing Strategies that Require No Money. There are so many things that you can do yourself, before shelling out money, if you are willing to put in the required time and then stay on top of the various avenues for marketing. Once you get in the groove, things fall into place and become a way of life as you train yourself to recognize a useful resource when you see… Continue reading

Geomedia for Real Estate Marketing

Geomedia for Real Estate Marketing is proving to be a perfect marketing tool for realtors to share comprehensive details with property buyers and renters. Geographic Information System maps represent a new and exciting format in which to display details about properties for sale or lease, in an industry that is based on ‘location, location, location’! Prospective buyers or renters can simply click on a pin located on a map of the area that they’re interested… Continue reading

Managing Social Media

Managing Social Media well can make the difference between running a smooth and effective marketing campaign or struggling with a stressful one that is more work than it should be. Staying on top of the game with a clear plan for content and event promotion will surely pay off in many ways. Obviously, certain topics for blogs are better posted at different times of the year so you want to plan them accordingly first. With… Continue reading

Managing Releasing Blogs

Managing Releasing Blogs

Managing releasing blogs can make the difference between running a smooth and effective marketing campaign, or struggling with it in a stressful state while making it all more work than it should be. Staying on top of the game, with a clear plan for content, scheduling, and event promotion will surely pay off in many ways in the end. Here are a few tips, and reasons, to develop a solid overview and marketing schedule surrounding your blogs: One… Continue reading

Essential Content Marketing

It is an intimidating yet thrilling moment when you have thoroughly researched your subject, carefully determined key search words, perfected your phrasing to convey the most information with the least amount of words, yet with your own approach, and then press that ‘Publish’ button. Continue reading

Common Sense Marketing

Common Sense Marketing employs research, the knowledge of current media, and the ability to use it with flair. Headspace. When I start thinking about promoting a business or cause, I tend to create a thought pattern while pulling together all the different marketing elements that I have come to rely on over the years.  Taking on a project means that one often immerses oneself in the subject matter and before you know it, ideas just… Continue reading